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There are 2 answer's, 1... you are like a friend to him... 2... you are kind of guyish, you don't mind getting down and dirty, you are a tom boy, etc.

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Q: What it means when a guy says your like a dude?
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Dude he wants to do IT!!!!!

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well.... if you have kissed... then he means your a good kisser. if you havent then he is a creepy dude

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A dude was originally a man who dressed fancy and acted rather like a sissy -- it changed until now it just means any guy.

What does it mean when a guy says i kind of like you?

It means that he does not like you at all.

What does a guy mean when he says he doesn't get you?

He means what he says. Guys are like that, you make no sense to him.

What does a guy truly mean when he says i like your face?

When a guy says he likes your face it means he likes the way that you look.

What does it mean when a guy says a girl acts like a guy?

Who knows? Ask him to tell you what he means.

What does mean when a guy says if you like?

well, that means that he is trying to be nice and do something that you like

What does it mean when a guy says its not like i don't fancy you?

he means " its not that i dont LIKE u"

What does it mean when a guy says you have a nice butt but says he doesnt like you?

It means he thinks you have a nice butt but doesn't like you.

What does it mean when a guy says he like you?

It means that you want to be with you and really find you attractive

How do you say dude in Chinese?

In Chinese, you can say "哥们" (gēmen) to refer to a male friend or "老哥" (lǎogē) for a more casual way to address someone as "dude".