

What items are conductors?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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12y ago

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A conductor is simply a material that allows electrical energy to pass through it these tend to be metals or molten metal ions.

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14y ago

Aluminum, copper, silver, and gold are all good conductors of heat and electrcity. Mainly, all metals are good conductors.

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What items are conductors of heat?


What are the top 5 conductors of heat in the kitchen?

Glasswares, except Borosilicate galsswares and wax items can be good conductors of heat usually found in kitchen.

At home what items are good conductors?

cooking pans, and pots, water and anything medal

What items are insulators and conductor?

Conductors are materials that allow electrons to flow easily through it. Metals are the best examples of conductors. Insulators to the opposite; they don't like letting their electrons flow. Glass, rubber, and wood are some examples of insulators.

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Can you give a list of conductors and insulators?

conductors: (items that electricity/energy can flow (better)) copper, gold, metal, iron, steel, coins, (pennies, nickles, dimes, quarters, loonies, and toonies) brass, alligator clips and etc...(you can always search on a different website)

Are scissors conductors?

They are Conductors, not much for insulation though. Differences between conductors and insulators? Conductors let energy such as electricity .

Is it true that shield wires conductors located above the phase conductors protect the phase conductors against lightning?

Yes, but they're not 'phase' conductors, they're 'line' conductors.

What are some insulators and conductors?

Insulators are like rubber and wood because insulators that stops the flow of electrical charge. Conducts are the opposite so the items would be metal .

If ther are more than conductors in the raceway the ampacity of the conductors must be derated?

Ampacity must be derated depending on the number of conductors and the ambient temperature. In the Canadian Electrical Code Table 5C denotes derating for the number of conductors. 1-3 conductors = 100% load 4-6 conductors = 80% 7-24 conductors = 70% 25-42 conductors = 60% 43 or more conductors = 50%

Are metale uaually conductors or insulators?

Metals are conductors.Metals are conductors.Metals are conductors.Metals are conductors.

What household items are good insulators of heat?

Hmmm... Well, a conductor of heat is something that passes on heat. Metals are good conductors of heat, so things like: * Metal Spoons * Paper Clips * Teapots * Kettles * Tinfoil are good examples of household items that are conductors of heat . An insulator of heat is the opposite and therefore doesn't pass on heat. Materials that don't pass on heat are: * Wood * Plastic * Paper To name just a few. So your answer is items such as Ceramics (Mugs) and Paper cups are good household items that are insulators of heat. I hope I've answered your question! Anon.