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Q: What jimmy carters actions did the greatest damage to his chances for reelection?
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It hurt his chance for reelection.

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A business cycle caused when incumbent politicians try to manipulate the economy to increase their chances of reelection.

Why do you think president Clinton won reelection in 1996?

This is possibly an unfounded rumor but chances are that getting a majority of the votes may have been instrumental in his victory.

What factors hurt the democrats chances for victory in the presidential election of 1968?

Democrat, Lyndon Johnson did not seek reelection, and therefore the democrats did not have the incumbent advantage in the race.

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On top of trees, chances to get hurt are the greatest there.

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Be mindful of your wake.

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Why did Lincoln doubt his reelection in 1864?

Because there was low civilian morale in the North, as Grant's strategy did not look successful through the summer of 1864 (Election Year). Lincoln's chances were rescured by some battlefield successes in the Fall.

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The chances of your ex boyfriend checking up on your actions on Facebook are high as it is a way to track certain people. If you want to talk to someone in private then text them and take it off Facebook.

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If your girlfriend says that her love for you in indescribable does she mean it?

Well it really depends. I have always believed that actions speak louder than words. So if she can show you she loves you along with telling you than chances are she is being genuine. Well it really depends. I have always believed that actions speak louder than words. So if she can show you she loves you along with telling you than chances are she is being genuine.

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Thoese steps are taking place to save them from being endangered or even exctinct