

What job does Lara croft have?

Updated: 10/20/2022
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14y ago

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She is supposedly an 'archaeologist', but this game severely glorifies the career into a more exciting (in the sense of gun fights and mystical artifacts). An archaeologist does in fact travel to remote parts of the world to uncover secrets and the history of all types of peoples, but in a much more organized way that generally doesn't involve firearms or killing 'thugs'. An archaeologist is either part of a team of archaeologists that take part in a dig or an analysis/survey/collection of data, or after extensive schooling is heading the team and basically telling everyone else what to do and receiving the credit for the artifacts found. Most archaeologists are either employed by the government or are University professors that acquire grants to do their own research in their area of interest. Also, archaeologists don't generally go all over the entire world, they tend to have a few areas of focus. And while they don't get to carry around M-16's and grenades and generally aren't able to do flips and other acrobatics, if you are the kind of person that thinks the coolest thing in the world would be to stand in a room you've uncovered that someone hasn't stood in in over a thousand years, or finding a bracelet that was created from by a hand flint by people who had no written language and are long extinct, or studying the cave art of a group of people which may have been the means of the first written language of people who may have been Anatomically Modern Humans' long ago common ancestor, than Archaeology may still be an area of study for you.

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