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Cartilage in the elbow joint and knee joint cushion the bones in the joints so the easily glide over each other. As you age, these become thinner and finally disappear. The joint then are very painful.

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Q: What job does the cartilage in the knee and elbow have?
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Related questions

Where is cartilage found?

The three places where cartilage is found is in the knee, ankle and elbow

Cartilage that includes the hip knee and elbow?

This cartilage is called hyaline cartilage because it is like glass and very smooth. It allows for easy movement in the joint.

Cartilage in the knee and elbow performs two very important jobs what are those jobs?

The cartilage helps cushion and reduce friction in the joint.

How does broken cartilage affect the elbow joint?

The cartilage is there to stop bone rubbing against bone. It performs like a lubricant.

Are the knee and elbow multiaxial joints?

The knee is the elbow is not

Where cartilage is found at the elbow joint.why is the cartilage there?

Cartilage is found at the elbow joint so that the synovial fluid doesn't touches the ulna directly.

What hurts more getting shot in the knee or in the elbow?

Knee by far. The knee has a lot of nerves that the elbow doesn't have

What are examples of the elbow and the knee?

The things on your legs, and the things on you arms!

Where on the bone is cartlidge located?

cartilage :- it is a connective tissue which lies at joints between the bones or surrounding the bone it is mainly of two kinds hylaine cartilage and fibro cartilage the other areas where cartilage are found are :the rib cage, theear, the nose, the elbow, the knee, the ankle, the bronchial tubes and the intervertebral discs

Is it true fibrocartilage is weaker than elastic and hyaline cartilage?

In specific areas yes. For example articular cartilage found in the knee and elbow is replaced by fibrocartilage when damaged as it lacks the ability to regenerate without the covering perichondrium

What does the patella and ulna protect?

Knee and elbow

What is a Knee cartilage?

The true hyaline cartilage is the knee's intra-articular cartilage found in the joint surface. It has collagen but does not possess nerves or blood vessels.