

Best Answer

There is no such thing as a highschool diploma in zoology. A highschool diploma is a general qualification. There is such a thing as a college degree in zoology in which ase you can get a job as a teacher or as a research scientist working for a lab.

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Q: What job will you get with a high school diploma in zoology?
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i think you get it and you can go to college with it .

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In the situation where someone faked their high school diploma in a job application, you should confront them. If you employed them then later discovered that they faked the high school diploma, but do not wish to fire them, you should speak them them anyway.

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you can get a job at mc donalds. and go back to school is not that hard.

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A high school diploma will help get you started, but as you grow to supervisory or other levels, you really need that degree.

Is an iep diploma consiterd a high school diploma when filling out a job application?

no, its not IEP diploma is not equivalent to a HS Diploma or GED.

Can your job fire you after 6 years just because they cant verify that you have a high school diploma?

If you said you had a high school diploma when you were hired and you lied about it, yes. They can fire you.

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Unfortunetly, Yes. If you dont have a diploma you can't have a good job.

Is west coast high school diploma legit?

i am using it perfectly at my job.

What do you receive when you finish high school?

A high school diploma. Now you can go out and learn something useful to help you get a job. Learn how to read a blueprint, weld, current quality control methods etc. Expect to use every skill you have on the job you get with your high school diploma. Don't forget your basic math- algebra and trig and perhaps geometry as well as writing/ communication skills. I'm assuming you have a basic understanding of computers and software.