

What jobs can you get with some college but no degree?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What jobs can you get with some college but no degree?
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What kind of jobs can I get with an associates degree?

There are many different jobs out there which you can get with an associate's degree- you just have to do some research and perhaps check with your local college (I would recommend a community college) to see if they offer an associate's degree program.

Can you get a job at a college without a degree?

There are quite a number of jobs that you can get in college without necessarily having a degree. Indeed there are even a few jobs that a college student can get. Simply inquire or find out what jobs are available and apply to them.

Do all jobs require a college degree?

Most retail jobs don't require a college degree. They generally only require previous experience with like minded merchandise. It is possible that some retail jobs may require a degree, possibly a banking job, that requires you to sell loans, etc.

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you have to go to to college and university to get a bachelors degree...

Do people have to go college?

Not at all. Many people are satisfied with a high school education and can get a good job with that. However, there are some jobs you need a college degree for - you need to do some research into what jobs you're interested in and see if you need college or not.

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Welding is a career choice that does not require a college degree. so you don't need a college degree. enjoy.

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They are not. If you want a better paying job then go to college but some jobs you do not need a college degree. Burger King sound familiar...

Is a degree from woodfield excepted on city an state jobs in the us?

Accredited college/school degrees are accepted for government jobs across the United States. However, your state or city government may have some requirements of their own if you have a degree from an out of state college or university.

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garbage man

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Is college degree required for all jobs in America?

No, there are lots of jobs that do not require a college degree. There are a number of jobs in the service sector, such as positions at retail outlets, restaurants, hotels, and telephone customer service positions, that do not require a college degree. Often even management positions in this field are based on experience and the skills acquired through that experience rather than on having a degree. There are also some positions that require special certification or licensing, but not necessarily a degree, such as being an insurance agent, realtor, or taxi driver. However, the pay rate tends to be lower for jobs that do not require a college degree since they are considered "unskilled" labor.

Are there jobs available that do not require a college degree?

There are various jobs that do not require a college degree, though these days more and more jobs are beginning to require at least a partial college education. Finding one of these jobs really depends upon what field you are planning to work in, if it is a more specialized field, you may need to attend some schooling. Most insurance jobs likely require at least a bit of education in the insurance field.