

What jobs deals with light waves?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: What jobs deals with light waves?
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it is the study that deals with the optical waves. while the optical wave is nothing but the light wave itself or can be called EM-waves(electromagnetic waves). at cases study include the uv, infrared and radio waves

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The intensity of light waves is a measure of what?

The intensity of light waves is a measure of the energy that is carried by the waves. Light waves are electromagnetic waves.

How are light waves created?

light is not composed of waves .it is a form of energy . i think the waves in light are not created because there is no reason for the creation of waves in light

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Ultraviolet waves are smaller than light waves.

How do light waves differ from seismic waves?

light waves are transversal, seismic waves are longitudinal.

Are sound waves stronger than light waves?

No because light waves are stronger and brighter and sound waves are light and dull

Do all light waves emit radiation?

Light waves do not emit radiation, light waves are radiation.

Which travels at a greater speed light waves or sound waves?

Light Waves.

How do sound waves travel compared to light waves?

light waves fast

Are sound waves transverse waves while light waves are longitudinal waves or are all sound waves and light waves longitudinal waves?

Light waves are transverse.Sound waves may be transverse or longitudinal. Sound in gases can only be longitudinal.