

What jobs did they do in Tudor?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: What jobs did they do in Tudor?
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What were the Tudor jobs in Tudor times?

cooking, chimney sweeping, cleaning and being a servant

What were Jobs on board a Tudor ship?

one of the jobs from the tudor ship would be a captain, cabin boys and so on...................................................................................................................................................................................

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In Tudor times what jobs did citizens have?

Life was there job :)

What kind of jobs were in Tudor times?

jamie marks

what jobs did the sailors have?

the Tudor sailors jobs were scrubbing the deck watching out on the water in case other ships attack

Why do you think there was poverty in Tudor England?

The population was doubling and this meant less jobs.

What were the causes of poverty in Tudor times?

The loss of many jobs, bad harvestests and gambling.

Why was there an increase in the number of poor people in Tudor England?

there was an increase in poor people in Tudor England because 1 they didn't have very many jobs avaible then and 2 the inflation kept going up.

What type of jobs were they for the poor people in Tudor times?

1.Working in rich houses as servers. 2.Helping out as sheperds.