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Most middleclass women did not work outside the home. Lower class women have always had to work, usually in menial jobs like maids, laundresses and cooks in wealthy households. Poor women of good birth might be employed as nursemaids, governesses or companions to the elderly in wealthy homes. Many poor women worked long hours with heavy machinery on factory floors. There have always been prostitutes. Women also worked as seamstresses, milliners and hairdressers. Nursing was most respected during war time. Otherwise, it was considered improper. . . all those nude bodies, don't you know. The most respected professions for women, the only ones that afforded education, were teacher and nun.

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Q: What jobs did women have before World War 2 began?
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Who did the jobs women where doing before World War 1?

The kind of jobs that women had before the Great Depression were limited to household chores. After the Great Depression, they were forced to find jobs that would generate income.

What jobs did women do before World War 1?

please someone answer this i have a speech in 2 days!

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They could do jobs they couldn't before

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more women had to get second jobs.

What were traditional womens' roles and jobs before World War 2 in Australia?

The majority of the time in the past a womens role was basically to raise a family, when women persue jobs, the jobs usually require traits such caring and communication.Very frequent jobs are things like teaching, secretaries, factory workers, caring for children....

Did most women work during world war 2?

During world war 2, there were about 25 % to 30 % of women who worked outside the house at paying jobs. More married women, more mothers, and more minority women found jobs than had before the war.

What jobs did woman have in World War 2?

i belive that women did any job that a man did before the men enlisted

What did women do in world war 2 that they wouldn't normally do?

During WWII women began working in factory jobs - Rosie the Riveter was used as an advertising icon to encourage women to go out to work to support the war effort. However, when the war ended men wanted the jobs back, but many women did not want to leave.

What jobs did women have at home during World War 2?

industrial manufacturing, truck driving, construction, farming all jobs men had before going to war

What jobs were women not allowed to do before the war?


What is one way World War 2 affected Western women?

With the men fighting in the war, women took the jobs that men had been doing before the war.

What were new jobs for women during world war 2?

women worked in factories to make weapons and war supplies. They filled the role that men had before the war.