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Q: What joins the two strands of the DNA double helix?
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What shape is a DNA strand?

A DNA strand is shaped like a 'double helix'.

Which best describes the structure of a DNA molecule-?

a double helix- apex

What is the scientific term for the shape of the DNA strand?

The name of the shape of DNA is called double helix. There are two long strands of DNA connected in several points. These strands twist and look like a spiral or a spring.

What shape do two strands of DNA form?

double helix

How many DNA strands do have in most cells?

DNA consists of two strands of nucleotides twisted into a double helix.

How many stands make up DNA double helix?

The DNA double helix contains two coiled biopolymer strands. The double helix was discovered by James Watson and Francis Crick.

What holds the two halves of a DNA double helix together?

Its Hydrogen Bonds that hold the two strands of the DNA double helix together.

What enzymes are responsible for replication of the DNA molecule?

Helicase is the enzymes that splits the double helix into two separate strands, and DNA Polymerase (as opposed to RNA Polymerase) joins the nucleotides together in the new strands being created.

DNA consists of two complementary strands wound together in a specific structure called a?

double helix

What is the name of the twisted ladder shape of a DNA molecule?

nitrogenous bases linked together

How many strands is DNA made of?

DNA is composed of two strands of DNA nucleotides.

Each half of the DNA strand. Why is DNA called the double helix?

DNA is called a double-helix because it consists of two strands that spiral around each other. A spiral shape is also called a helix, and there're two of them, so it's a double-helix.