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Q: What joint is also called the dentoalveolar joint?
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What is joint arthroplasty also called?

Joint arthroplasty is also called total Joint replacement

Where is the location of the proximal radioulnar joint?

Proximal radioulnar joint (also called superior radioulnar joint) and distal radioulnar joint (inferior radioulnar joint) are pivot joints (also called trochoid or rotatory joint).

What is immovable also called?

This joint that you are referring to is called a fixed joint, and cannot be moved or repositioned.

What joint type include the hip knee and elbow joints?

Hip joint (acetabulufemoral joint) is ball and socket joint (also called enarthrosis or spheroidal joint). Knee joint is compound joint because it forms by two articulations of two different types. Femural-tibia joint is condyloid joint (also called ellipsoid or angular joint). Joint between femur and patella is saddle joint (also called sellar joint). Elbow joint is Hinge joint (also called ginglymus joint).

What is the knee joint?

The knee joint consists of the tibiofemoral joint and the patellofemoral joint. It is a combination of hinge and gliding joints, respectively. It is also in a class called freely movable joints, which are also called synovial, or diarthrotic joints.

What is the pivot joint bone in the neck called?

The pivot joint in the neck the atlantoaxial joint, and it is at C1 and C2. These bones are also called the atlas and the axis.

What is the type of joint in which the head of the femur articulates with the acetabulum?

Ball and socket joint (also known as enarthrosis or spheriodal joint)

What is the joint connecting the waist to the leg called?

the ball and socket joint, also known as the hip joints.

What kind of joint is at the base of the scull?

The base of the skull has a joint called the atlanto-occipital joint. It is a gliding joint that is between the occipital condyles of the occipital bone and the first cervical vertebra (C1). This type of joint is also called a synovial joint, or a freely movable joint. Another designation is diarthrotic joint.

Where is a fixed joint?

Skull ( also called fibrous joints )

What is angular joint?

An angular joint is a joint that changes the angle between two bones without gliding or rotary movement. It is also sometimes called a hinge joint.

What is an angular joint?

An angular joint is a joint that changes the angle between two bones without gliding or rotary movement. It is also sometimes called a hinge joint.