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The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution prevents the government from interfering in religion. It also gives people the freedom to practice whatever religion they choose.

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The constitution.

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amendment 4

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Q: What keeps government from interfering in religion?
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What prohibits government from interfering with religion?

In the United States the government is prohibited from interfering with the religious beliefs of the citizens. This religious protection is covered under the first amendment.

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What does first amendment means?

The First Amendment prohibits government (federal, state, or local) from making laws regarding the establishment of religion, interfering with the free exercise of religion, limiting the freedom of speech, interfering with the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceable assembly, or prohibiting the petitioning the government for a redress of grievances. Provided, the peace is not breached by any of these actions, and the rights of others are not violated in the process.

What separation about religion was instituted by the First Amendment?

Actually, separation in that sense, was not mentioned. What was addressed was that the government shall make no laws abridgeing religion or against it. We are witnessing a latter day phenomenon with congress and the courts interfering with religion.

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Prior restraints. It keeps the government from interfering with the publication of opinions. Individuals can express themselves through publication and distribution of information without interference, constraint, or persecution by the government.

What does the first Amendment to the Constitution grant every American citizen?

The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees Americans the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom to petition the government, and freedom to assemble peacefully.

What rights does the First Amendment mean?

The First Amendment prohibits government (federal, state, or local) from making laws regarding the establishment of religion, interfering with the free exercise of religion, limiting the freedom of speech, interfering with the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceable assembly, or prohibiting the petitioning the government for a redress of grievances. Provided, the peace is not breached by any of these actions, and the rights of others are not violated in the process.

What type of conduct or actions the establishment clause prohibits?

The Establishment Clause is part of the First Amendment. It keeps Congress and other government office out of religion, they cannot define religion or religious practices.

For how long did the Constitution forbid the federal government from interfering with the slave trade?

the answer is 10 years

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The Bill of Rights restricts government from interfering in your life.

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The Jewish people.

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