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Q: What key events sharpened the divisions between Britain and the colonists in the late 1760's and early 1770's and why?
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What key events sharpened the divisions between Britain and the colonists in the late 1760s and early 1770s?

The Boston Massacre and the Tea Act were key events that sharpened the division between Britain and the colonist in the late 1760s and early 1770s. King George's efforts to bring the colonies to heel, would lead them straight to revolution.

What key event happened the divisions between Britain and colonists in the late S's and early S's?

We don’t know what “s” means here. We need dates or years.

What was Revolutionary War about?

The revolutionary war was a war between the colonists and Britain. The colonists were fighting for freedom, and Britain was trying to stop them from getting that freedom and independence.

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What are the main cultural divisions in Ireland?

Leaving aside the recent immigrants, the main cultural division was between the Gaels (the native Irish and the assimilated Anglo-Normans) who remained Catholic and the later English and Scottish colonists who were Protestants with ties to Britain.

Was the most important reason that conflict developed between Britain and the American colonists between 1763 and 1774?

Due to the great distance between the colonies and Britain it was hard for Britain to enforce control over the colonists. The colonists got used to essentially governing themselves, so when British rule was more strictly imposed after the 7 Years War (Taxes imposed on the colonists were to try and alleviate the war debt, but led to "No taxation without representation!") the colonists rebelled.

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It caused tension between their relationship

How did The Intolerable Acts affect the relations between the colonists and Britain?

they were the acts that made the colonists start the Boston tea party... they housed british soldiers in to colonists houses

How do you describe the boston massacre?

The Boston Massacre was a battle between Britain and American colonists.

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How did tensions between the colonists and Britain escolate after 1767?

Tension lead them to non importation agreements

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