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Q: What key fortress was the scene of the heaviest fighting during the German invasion of Belgium during World War 1?
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What key fortress was the scene of the heaviest fighting during the German invasion of Belgium?

Fort Eben-Emael .

What key fortess was the scene of the heaviest fighting during the German invasion of Belgium in World War 1?

Fort Liege

What caused Britain to fight in world war 1?

Britain entered the fighting World War I after the German invasion of Belgium.

What event caused britain to fight in world war 1?

The German army crossing into Belgium, whose neutrality had been guaranteed by Britain.

The invasion of Belgium began the active fighting in the war?

In the context of World War II, the invasion of Belgium was just one of the events that signaled the eruption of active war on the Western Front in May of 1940. Following eight months of "phony war" from late 1939 to early 1940, German forces invaded the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Belgium while on their way into France.

Was there any fighting on German soil during World War 1?

Most of the fighting in the western front was fought in the northern france and Belgium because of the german's schlieffen plan which involved the invasion of belgium there was no fighting on german soil but on the eastern front there was the battle of Tannenberg which was in east Prussia (now known as the eastern part Poland) but if you are talking about the western from then no.

Why did the invasion of Belgium turn American opinion against Germany?

Belgium was a neutral nation

What one event caused Americans public opinion to become angry toward Germany?

Germany's brutal invasion of neutral Belgium

What was responsible for turning America public opinion against Germany?

The event that was most influential in turning American public opinion against Germany was the invasion of Belgium.

How did the British react to their outrage by the German invasion of Belgium?

they were happy

Why does Britain declare war on Germany?

To response to Germany invasion of Belgium.

What crystallized American opinion at the beginning of World War I?

Germany's invasion of Belgium.