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Q: What key function does the atmosphere serve that enable life to exist on the planet?
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The planet Gliece does not exist. Are you thinking of the Gliese 581 system?

What color is Planet x's atmosphere?

Planet X was a hypothetical planet which was searched for after the discovery of planet Neptune. `Planet-X` does not exist.


If you mean a breathable atmosphere, then only the Earth. Other plants in our solar system have atmospheres too toxic to exist in.

Can water exist on a planet with no atmosphere?

Atmospheric pressure is an important factor in keeping liquid water on the surface of a planet. With no atmosphere, liquid water would quickly escape into space. It would depend on various factors such as the temperature and escape velocity of the planet of course. Scientists think liquid water existed on Mars in the past when the atmosphere was a lot denser. Water does exist on the surface Mars, but only as ice.

Why does Mars' thin atmosphere affect the planet?

It is still thick enough to allow for immense dust storms to exist.

How many planets are in the atmosphere?

There are no planets in the Earth's atmosphere. The Earth's atmosphere is composed of different layers of gases, while planets are celestial bodies that orbit around a star. Planets exist outside of the atmosphere.

Which physical characteristics are the moon lacking that would enable life to exist there?

The moon lacks water, an atmosphere and a magnetic field. Water is necessary for all life we have discovered so far to survive, An atmosphere provides air to breath and a shield from asteroids and meteoroids. An magnetic field is not technically a physical characteristic, but it is necessary to prevent the sun's radiation form scorching life off of a planet.

Jupiter is to big for aliens?

Jupiter is the largest planet but alien crafters are to small Jupiters atmosphere is to big for aliens!!!!!

Is their water in Jupiter?

Jupiter hasn't water; traces of water vapors exist only in the atmosphere of the planet.

What if the density of water is greater would life exist on earth?

The unique properties of water enable all life to exist. To tamper with any of the properties and/or behaviors of water would almost certainly not support life on this planet.

Would life exist on earth if the density of water is greater?

The unique properties of water enable all life to exist. To tamper with any of the properties and/or behaviors of water would almost certainly not support life on this planet.

What happened when there is abundant carbon dioxide in atmosphere?

There is enough warmth for life to exist on the planet. Planet lfe is also able to flourish and we have a comfortable planet. Excess carbon dioxide is believed to contribute to global warming and could create a less hospitable planet.