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Q: What key is used in command completion in Red Hat Enterprise Linux?
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What is Red Hat Enterprise Linux used for?

red hat enterprise Linux is used as a server while red hat Linux is used as client..

Was Red Hat Enterprise Linux the slang name for Linux?

No. Red Hat Enterprise Linux is simply a commercial Linux distribution primarily used for servers. It was never a nickname for Linux itself.

What Linux command sets a files permission?

In Linux the chmod command is used to set file permissions.

What command is used to open VI in Linux?


What command is used to print the date and time in Linux?


Which command is used to gets help about Linux?

The 'man' or the 'info' command have documentation about utilities and commands in the system.

Which command can be used to standardize configuration files across Linux?


What are the two most commonly used command in Linux?

cd ls

Where can one learn more about Linux's TAR command?

The TAR command is Create Tape ARchives and is used by Linux and Unix. Information and explanations can be found on the linfo and computerhope websites.

In Linux which command can be used to alter the primary group associated with a given user temporarily?

Use the 'newgrp' command.

What is the command to create a user in Linux?

su command is used to change the user.

What is the Linux command used to list the contents of a directory?

ls will list the contents of a directory.