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For example:

SELECT columnName FROM tableName WHERE columnName BETWEEN '1' AND '20'

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Q: What keyword in an SQL statement's WHERE clause is used to select rows based on a range of values?
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What SQL keyword must be used to remove duplicate rows from the result?

The SQL SELECT DISTINCT StatementIn a table, some of the columns may contain duplicate values. This is not a problem, however, sometimes you will want to list only the different (distinct) values in a table. The DISTINCT keyword can be used to return only distinct (different) values.SQL SELECT DISTINCT SyntaxSELECT DISTINCT column_name(s) FROM table_name

How to insert values in to a table in SQL?

SELECT columns FROM tables INTO tablename - will create and insert values INSERT INTO table SELECT columns FROM tables - will insert from one or more tables into a table INSERT (columns) INTO table VALUES (literals) - will insert literal values into row in a table

How do you enter data into the table?

You can enter data into a table using the INSERT keyword. Ex: INSERT INTO emp_master VALUES ('11111', 'john', '30, Newport pkwy, NJ') The above command will insert one row of data into the emp_master table.

What are the parts of a basic SQL query?

The basic parts of a SQL Select query are: SELECT column names FROM table name WHERE conditions ORDER BY column names The basic parts of an insert query would be: INSERT INTO table name (VALUES) The basic parts of a delete query would be DELETE FROM table name WHERE conditions The basic parts of an update query would be UPDATE TABLE table name SET column name = value WHERE conditions

How do you use a switch statement in GML?

Switch Statements are used to generate different outputs of code based on the value of an expression. Switch Statements work as follows:{randomNumber = floor(random(3))+1;switch(randomNumber) {case 1: { } break;case 2: { } break;case 3: { } break;default: { } break;}}This may seem confusing if you are new to GML, so I will give an in-depth explanation. The first line sets the variable randomNumber to a random number between 0 and 2, and adds it by 1 to make it a random number from 1-3. So far the only thing that has gone on in the code is to set a variable to either 1, 2, or 3. This is where the switch statement comes in.switch(randomNumber) {case 1: { } break;case 2: { } break;case 3: { } break;default: { } break;}this is the actual switch statement. You may be wondering what the case statements are for. case statements are always written inside switch statements and do nothing anywhere else. case statements activate when the expression in the switch statement is the same as the value that they are assigned to. Take a look at this switch statement:{rand = floor(random(3));switch(rand) {case 0: {show_message("The Random Value Was 0");} break;case 1: {show_message("The Random Value Was 1");} break;case 2: {show_message("The Random Value Was 2");} break;}} When the values assigned to the case statements are equal to the expression in the switch statement, the case statement will run the code contained in it's brackets. break statements order the switch statement to abort. The reason that you need break statements inside a switch statement is because it keeps the other cases from activating as well. (When one case statement activates, the others do as well.)A final briefing on switch statements is that they are not limited to variables. Take a look at this switch statement.{switch(obj_block.x > x) {case true: {show_message("The Block Is Ahead Of You.");} break;case false: {show_message("You Are Ahead Of The Block.");} break;}} This switch statement returns a true or false value, and the case statements operate accordingly.

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How do you show descending values in SQL?

To show values in descending order, include the keyword DESC after the field name in the ORDER BY clause in the SQL. EX: SELECT FirstName, LastName, BirthDate FROM tblPerson ORDER BY BirthDate DESC, LastName, FirstName

What SQL keyword must be used to remove duplicate rows from the result?

The SQL SELECT DISTINCT StatementIn a table, some of the columns may contain duplicate values. This is not a problem, however, sometimes you will want to list only the different (distinct) values in a table. The DISTINCT keyword can be used to return only distinct (different) values.SQL SELECT DISTINCT SyntaxSELECT DISTINCT column_name(s) FROM table_name

What is Difference between if statement and select case statement in vbscript?

If statements and Select-Case statements are two similar features that allow for code branching. The difference is that each If statement may compare against different variables and different ranges, while Select-Case statements may only compare against one variable at a time, and must compare against discrete values. Select-Case is therefore a specialized form of If statements, and are more efficient in terms of amount of code used and execution speed when used instead of theequivalentIf-Else statements.

How can I suppress 0 in an access query expression?

You would need to exclude the unwanted values in the where clause of the query, for example;select * from InvoiceLines where InvoiceValue 0

What is distinct in SQL language?

distinct keyword displays only unique values. eg.if there is a deprtment_id called 140 for thrice means it will diaplays only once. select distinct department_id from departments

Difference between super and this in java?

The keyword super is used to explicitly call methods/values from the parent class The keyword this is used to explicitly call methods/values from the current class

Is there any function in sql server to return all values of a column seprated by comma you dont want to use loop or sql sever cursor?

CREATE TABLE #T ( ID INT, [NAME] VARCHAR(50) ) INSERT #T SELECT 1, 'Row1' UNION SELECT 2, 'Row2' UNION SELECT 3, 'Row3' UNION SELECT 4, 'Row4' UNION SELECT 5, 'Row5' UNION SELECT 6, 'Row6' UNION SELECT 7, 'Row7' UNION SELECT 8, 'Row8' UNION SELECT 9, 'Row9' UNION SELECT 10, 'Row10' SELECT * FROM #T DECLARE @Values AS VARCHAR(8000) SELECT @Values = '' SELECT @Values = @Values + ISNULL([Name] + ', ', '') FROM #T IF LEN(@Values) > 0 SELECT @Values = LEFT(@VALUES, LEN(RTRIM(@VALUES)) - 1) --Remove trailing comma SELECT @Values AS CommaDelimitedResultSet DROP TABLE #T

Which SQL keyword is used to retrieve only unique values?


What is argument in actionscript?

An argument is a term that refers to keyword values in ActionScript. The number following the keyword phrase in parenthesis is used to reference the frame the keyword reaches prior to acting. It includes a user defined value for the preset keyword.

Can you use subquery in values clause of an insert statement?

Yes INSERT INTO your_table (col1, col2, col3) VALUES (1, 'a string', (SELECT TOP 1 empName FROM Employees)) Tested just now. Just make sure your subquery returns a single datum.

What is use of IN clause and between clause in sql?

It allows you to easily test if an expression is within a range of values (inclusive).

What are accurate statements about literary canons?

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