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Animals die in the desert because...They die from the heat, not enough water and not enough food.
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Q: What kills most animals in deserts?
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What are the most animals that live in the desert?

The most common animals to be found in deserts are arthropods - insects, spiders, scorpions, centipede's, etc.

What animals live in Indian deserts?

alot of animals live in Indian deserts

Why do deserts exsist?

deserts Exist, For the animals that are cold blooded animals, Like Reptiles.

Which U.S. state kills the most animals for food?

According to the Humane Society of the United States, Georgia produces 1,663,736 broiler chickens. Assuming that they are all slaughtered in Georgia, that would be the state that kills the most animals.

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Well, like most endangered animals by other animals and humans kills them and the young.

What animals can be found in all deserts?

Deserts occur on all seven continents and there are no animals common to all.

What is the importance of deserts?

The importance of the deserts are..- Deserts are fertile for animals & plants. *Fertile: good place to live

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It is generally much cooler at night and most prey animals only emerge in the relative safety of darkness.

Do animals in deserts have fur?

Yes, they do!

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kills them kills them

What animal kills more humans the hippo or rhino?

Of all the larger land animals of Africa, the hippo is the most dangerous and kills a number of humans each year.

What desert is in the southern part of Arizona?

Sonora Desert this is one of the most bio diverse deserts in the world it is like the Amazon of deserts this is how to over 1000 different species of plants and animals