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it is a cc cinder cone

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Q: What kind o volcanoe is a relatively small cone of volcanic material formed from tephra?
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Which mountain is formed by volcanic material?

A volcanic mountain.

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What mountain types is formed from new material that is added to earth's suface?

Volcanic Mountains

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A palagonite is a material similar to basalt formed by the action of water on volcanic ash.

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Pillow lava is formed from a relatively low effusion rate. It erupts from either an underwater vent (opening in which gas and other volcanic material can pass) lava flowing into the ocean.

What is a steep-sided volcano formed entirely of ash and cinders?

A steep sided volcanoe formed entirely from ash and cinders is called a composite volcanoe.

What is the difference between a lahar and a mudflow?

A lahar is a specific type of mudflow formed primarily of volcanic material.

How were long-active mid-oceanic volcanic islands formed?

Mid-ocean volcanic islands are usually formed due to the location of a 'hot spot' in the Earth's mantle from which molten material continuously is created and flows to the surface.

What force formed these volcanic mountains?

lava formed the volcanic mountains