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The bit about a person swallowing their tongue is a myth. Usually what is said is that if a person is having a seizure you need to stick you hand in their mouth and hold the tongue to prevent them from swallowing it. In reality all this accomplishes is getting bitten (often severely) and making it more likely the person will throw up.

No thyroid condition makes you pass out. If you do pass out you should call your doctor.

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Q: What kind of Thyroid condition causes someone to stop breathing and pass out where if you do not sit them up quickly they could die due to swallowing their tongue?
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What is attached to the thyroid?

The thyroid gland controls how quickly the body uses energy, makes protins, and controls how sensitive the body is to other hormones. It participates in these processes by producing thyroid hormones.

What does the thyroid gland control?

It controls how quickly the body uses energy, how sensitive the body is to hormones, and how quickly proteins are produced.

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Does graves disease cause graves disease?

Untreated, yes. If left untreated the patient may go into "thyroid storm" which is a condition of dangerously high metabolic rate. Symptoms include dizziness, confusion, extremely fast heartbeat, sweating, diarrhea... if not treated immediately thyroid storm causes heart failure. If you're being treated there is almost nothing to worry about. However, you do need to be aware that getting RAI treatment, as well as stopping anti-thyroid medication too quickly, can trigger thyroid storm.

Why is the thyroid very important?

The thyroid regulates a number of body functions including how quickly the body uses energy, makes proteins, and controls how sensitive the body should be to other hormones.

Common Thyroid Problems?

The thyroid gland is found in the neck below the Adam's apple and it controls metabolism by producing certain hormones. A malfunctioning thyroid can cause a multitude of problems including weight issues, energy levels, and depression. Common types of thyroid problems include hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and thyroid nodules.HypothyroidismWhen the thyroid does not make a sufficient amount of hormones the condition is called hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid. This condition can lead to obesity, cardiovascular problems, and low energy levels. Symptoms include fatigue, high cholesterol, hoarse voice, muscle weakness and pain, dry skin, sensitivity to cold, heavy menstrual periods, and constipation.An underactive thyroid can easily be diagnosed with a simple blood test. Treatment consists of a daily dose of synthetic levothyroxine, which is a thyroid hormone. Once the proper dosage is established, this treatment is safe and effective.HyperthyroidismHyperthyroidism is the name of the condition when the thyroid makes too much thyroxine. An overactive thyroid can cause your metabolism to go into high gear. This can cause rapid weight loss, nervousness, mood swings, fatigue, and changes in your skin such as excessive sweating or itchiness. You may experience tachycardia where your heart beats quickly, arrhythmia where your heart beats irregularly, or palpitation where your heart pounds.The usual treatment for hyperthyroidism is radioactive iodine administered by mouth. The thyroid will absorb it and begin to shrink over a few months. This decreases hormone production and 80 percent of patients need only one dose. Another treatment for people with mild symptoms is antithyroid medication. Two common ones are Tapazole and PTU and they slow the production of hormones.Thyroid NodulesThese are lumps that form in the thyroid and most of the time they cause no symptoms or problems. They are typically discovered during an exam of the thyroid. If a nodule is too big, it may interfere with swallowing as it may affect the trachea.Nodules that are too big or are found to be cancerous may require surgery. Fortunately, very few nodules are cancerous. Smaller nodules will need to be monitored for growth or can be treated with medications which will slow the growth of thyroid tissue.

The gerbil is breathing really fast and won't eat is he dying?

yes bury him quickly

As you're working to ensure a wounded unconscious Airman's airway is open you remind yourself that the casualty has no control over her muscles You need to open the airway quickly why?

The tongue may drop back and block the airway, causing a no breathing condition.

What is your thiroid?

The thyroid is one of the largest endocrine glands in the body. This gland is found in the neck inferior to (below) the thyroid cartilage (also known as the Adam's apple in men) and at approximately the same level as the cricoid cartilage. The thyroid controls how quickly the body burns energy, makes proteins, and how sensitive the body should be to other hormones.

Did Stephen hawking have a esophagus?

Yes, he does. But his swallowing reflex is not working.Most cases of MND (or ALS) progress quickly with swift loss of function. The term covers a group of neurological disorders that affect the motor neurons, the nerves that control the voluntary muscles. First to go are the legs and walking, then the muscles that control the upper body. Speaking becomes more difficult, then swallowing and finally breathing.