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Q: What kind of advertisement tries to get the audience to feel as if all the cool interesting or smart people are already doing something?
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How advertisement is influenced by the cultural norms and values?

Badly influence, we first have to market the product then adverised it. Costumer's want to buy product that they've already saw on a tv, radio, news paper or billboards.

What is hyper-commercialism?

Hyper-commercialism is when a television show or movie sells an advertisement built right into the show or scene of the film. Some television shows already include advertisements in a certain scene. The actors will literally stop right in the middle of their dialogue and do the advertisement. Other forms of hyper-commercialism are also implemented in video games as well. Certain loading screens will provide the gamer with an advertisement. In the next couple of years we could see more and more examples of hyper-commercialism in our everyday lives.

What is the verb of advertise?

Advertise is already a verb. For example "to advertise something" is an action and therefore a verb.

What are advantages and disadvantages of advertisement?

The advertisement informs the consumer about qualities and price of goods and this makes purchasing easy for the consumers.As the prices are already advertised, the consumers cannot be over charged.By regular advertisement, the manufacturer can sell the goods directly to the consumers without depending on middlemen this eliminates the Middleman's charges and profit. It means higher profit to the manufacturer and lower prices to the consumers.It helps in improvement of the quality of the goods.The consumers are attracted by the quality of the products that are advertised. If the consumers are convinced that the quality is the same that is advertised, they continue buying.It helps the consumer to save time. As the consumer has already been the consumer is not required to spend time in getting the products.It raises the living standard of consumers.It provides knowledge about the new designs of the commodities to consumers and thus consumers consume those commodities and increase their living standard.

What are the duties of a Sales Representative in a call center?

The duties of a Sales Rep in a call centre can vary from centre to centre. Some you will have to cold call call 'potential customers' and try to sell them something over the phone. Othertimes you may on take inbound calls of people calling to enquire about a product, if that is the case then you are going to try and sell them something that they are already interested in (which is much easier).

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If you want to draw something, draw something around you. A vase of flowers or a cat sitting on a wall. Sometimes, artists can make something boring, like a sock, look interesting. If you don't think you could make something dull interesting, stick with something beautiful or already interesting, like maybe people riding a roller coaster.

Why is it important to provide accurate information to an audience?

it is important because if your audience gets the wrong information or they know what you are saying isn't tru then they will think you are tryin to fob them off with something they already know :D

What is false about considering your audience or purpose?

you should thonk about what your audience already knows about your topic

What is something interesting that a good piece of writing needs?

A good piece of writing needs an interesting title, topic and introduction. The title of your writing should grasp the reader's attention and make them interested in reading your writing. Be creative. The topic you select should also be of interest to and suitable for your readers. Your introduction is a guideline of what your writing will be about. Always use details that will hold the interest of your target audience. Make sure your paper uses the proper language in which your primary readers will understand. If you are writing for an audience of computer users it is appropriate to use computer language. Always try to introduce new ideas or concepts rather than offer people the same information they may already know. If you are writing a biography; tell the readers something about the person they may not already have knowledge of. A good piece of writing is interesting, free of grammatical errors, displays proven knowledge of the give topic and has quality sources if it is a research paper.

Why do all interesting girls already have boyfriends?

all interesting girls don't have boyfriends.. there are still interesting girls out there.. you just have to find them.


Interesting is already a verb in the context of "interesting someone".Other verbs are interests, interesting and interested."Can I interest you in this painting?""He is interesting the kids in writing"."I am interested in signing up".

What else is interesting about Jerry Spinelli?

You need to tell what you already know and I don't know what you think is interesting.

How do you use the apostrophe in the word audience for the following sentence The play exceeded the audience's expectation?

You've already used it correctly.

Is advertising on the income statement?

if advertisement expenses paid already and benefit is also taken already then it is an expense for business and all expenses comes in income statement.

How do you ovulate if already pregnant?

If you ovulate and you're already pregnant, consult your doctor. It will make an interesting case-study.

Why does metaphors and similies make readers visualize better?

Metaphors and similes make readers visualize better because they create vivid imagery by comparing one thing to another. This comparison helps readers to understand and connect with abstract concepts or ideas by relating them to something more concrete or familiar. As a result, readers are able to form mental pictures that enhance their understanding and engagement with the text.

What can you do about polygamy?

We have already done something about it in the United States. It is against the law.We have already done something about it in the United States. It is against the law.We have already done something about it in the United States. It is against the law.We have already done something about it in the United States. It is against the law.