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The cold air.

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Q: What kind of air moves downslope into a velley after sunset in mountains?
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What kind of air moves downslope into a valley after a sunset in mountains areas?

Cool or cold

When a block of material moves downslope along a curved surface the type of a mass movement is?

When a block of material moves downslope along a curved surface, the type of mass movement is _____.

When a block of material moves downslope along a curved surface the type of mass movement is .?

When a block of material moves downslope along a curved surface, the type of mass movement is _____.

When a block moves downslope along a curved surface the type of mass movement is?


When a block of material moves downslope along a curved surface the type of mass movement?


When a block material moves downslope along a curved surface the type of mass movement is?


When a block of material moves downslope along a curved surface the type of mass movement is?


What is bergschrund?

The deep cracks which occur on the upper surface of glacier when it negotiates a bend and detaches from the rockwall behind and moves downslope.

Rapid downslope movements of debris and dirt mixed with rain?

Rapid downslope movements of debris and dirt that are mixed with rain are landslides. Thick mixtures of mud, water, and debris that moves rapidly or slow depending on conditions is a debris flow.

Explain how weathering and mass movement together produce most landforms?

Once weathering weakens and breaks rock apart, mass movement moves the debris downslope. There a stream usually carries it away. Stream valleys are the most common of Earth's landforms.

As an air mass moves first upslope and then downslope over a mountain. What happens to air's moisture and heat content?

look in ch. 31 of your textbook

What is the process that moves weathered rock materials and soils downslope?

erosionMass wasting-also called mass movement-is a collective term and covers many different phenomena. Overall, it refers to the usually slow (but sometimes rapid) downslope movement of rock, soil, regolith, and sundry debris under the influence of gravity.Read more: what-is-mass-wasting