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look in ch. 31 of your textbook

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Q: As an air mass moves first upslope and then downslope over a mountain. What happens to air's moisture and heat content?
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What happens to air's moisture and heat content?

they died dn

What happens to food with the removal of its moisture content?

It becomes dehydrated, or dry.

What happens to foods with removal of its moisture content?

It becomes dehydrated, or dry.

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it losews moisture

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The salt will draw moisture out of the body tissues, using a process known as desiccation.

What happens when cotton is given moisture?

it expands

Does Wind moving up a mountain peak carries less moisture than wind moving down the opposite side of the peak?

Well, i know that when moist winds move up a mountain peak, they will lose moisture. So, comming back down the clouds have little moisture left. when this happens constantly, it creates a rain shadow. A rain shadow is an area that receives little rain due to this effect. i hope that is what you were asking, and please correct me if i am wrong!!

What happens to air as it rises over a mountain range?

On the windward side of a mountain range, air rises, cools, and drops its moisture. On the leeward side of a mountain range air descends, heats up, and dries the land. Deserts are common behind mountains. (493) Glencoe Texas Science, Grade 8 © 2002

What happens when cold air and moisture meet?


Why will air be warmer on the lower slopes on the leeward side of a mountain compared to a similar height above sea level on the windward side?

When the wind encounters the windward side of a mountain, it is forced to rise. This causes it to cool due to decompression. If there is enough moisture in the air it will condense and fall as precipitation. When this happens, the moisture transfers heat to the air around it, causing it to cool at a slower rate than dry air would. When the air makes it over the mountain, it has lost a fair portion of its moisture. The dry air then warms up as it descends the leeward slope of the mountain. Because it does not contain condensed moisture to absorb that heat, it warms at a faster rate than the cooling it experienced when it was moist, meaning it will be warmer than it previously was at similar elevations.

What happens in a quiet volcanic eruption?

the lava gently oozes its way out of the rock downslope, as speeds of only a 10m and hour or very slow speeds like that (depending on the slope!)

What happens when cool weather collides with gulf moisture?

Earl will be