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Gorillas are very violence animals . However, They are not carnivorous so they don't rapidly attack animals. But they attack animals who try to take their territory or try harm them or their children.

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One possible predator of gorillas is the leopard. Gorilla remains have been found in leopard scat, but this may be the result of scavenging.

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Do gorillas eat animals?

Animals are not a big part of a gorillas diet, they are mainly herbivores, plant eaters. But they CAN eat meat, and do when there's an opportunity.

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Us human beings are the evolution. If you do not believe in the evolution then stop reading... Humans come from gorillas so gorillas are very protective to there babies. When the first person on earth was made gorillas raised them. So when animals were to attack the gorillas babies, the gorilla would fight them off. So now no one attacks gorillas babies.

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Gorillas and jaguars don't live in the same environment. Gorillas live in Africa and jaguars are in the Amazon rainforest. Animals neither like or dislike other animals. They see them as food or not.

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Are gorillas solitary animals or do they live in groups?

Gorillas live in family groups

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insects and small animals

Do gorillas get pregnant?

all animals have to reproduce at some point if there life. So, yes gorillas do get pregnant.