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A female Wren (bird living in Europe) is a 'jenny' 2. the female of certain animals or birds, esp a donkey, ass, or wren

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9y ago

A jenny is a donkey mare, e.g. the female.

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Q: What kind of animal is a jenny?
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Is jenny a noun?

Yes. A jenny is a female donkey, which is an animal. An animal is a noun. So jenny is a noun. :)

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What animal is a cross of a jenny and stallion?

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What dose the name jenny mean?

Jenny means beautiful or sweet and sexy it mean a nice non-back stabbing person and a generous kind of girl And your name is very beautiful jenny :D

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Etta Kaner has written: 'Animal Senses' 'Animal Groups' 'Who Likes the Snow? (Exploring the Elements)' 'I Am Not Jenny' 'Bridges'

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I don't know. One Direction for life

What does Jenny name mean?

really sexy,cute,kissable,kind,nice,thoutful

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