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The only animal dangerous to the Tasmanian devil is the fox. A recently introduced species in Tasmania, the fox is a danger to Tasmanian devil joeys, and it is also a competitor with adults for food.

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Q: What kind of animals are dangerous to the Tasmanian devil?
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A Tasman Devil is a carnivore

What kind of mammal is Tasmanian devil?

The Tasmanian devil is a marsupial mammal. Specifically, it is a carnivorous marsupial, meaning it is a dasyurid.

What kind of animal is a Tasmanian Devil?


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The Tasmanian Tiger is related to the Tasmanian Devil. It had Kangaroo like features, too.

What does a Tasmanian devil do for fun?

Tasmanian devils are carnivorous marsupials of Australia. They are nocturnal hunters, but they also scavenge carrion. Although they are very shy and will not confront a person, they can be very aggressive with their own kind when defending food or territory. One of their effective defence mechanisms is to emit a foul smelling odour.

What kind of animals are dangerous?

Predators, they are dangerous when you are a prey.

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Animals don´t worship god or devil; religion, to our knowledge, is exclusive to humans.

What kind of symmetry does a Tasmanian devil have?

A Tasmanian devil has bilateral symmetry, as usual for mammals. One unusual feature of this animal is an asymmetric running gait. The fore limbs move normally, but the rear limbs don't. The fore and aft motion of the left rear-leg is very noticeably shorter than that of the right - the devil runs as if one leg is injured.

Do Tasmanian devils eat platypuses?

The Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) is a carnivorous marsupial mammal that is native to Tasmania. It is a member of the group of animals known as Dasyurids, which simply means the carnivorous marsupials.

What kind of animal is the Tasmanian devil kiwi dingo and echidna?

* The Tasmanian Devil is an Australian marsupial * A dingo is an Asian and Australian placental mammal, though it is not native to Australia * An echidna is a monotreme (egg-laying mammal) found in Australia, while another species is found in Papua New Guinea * The kiwi is a small, flightless bird of New Guinea

What do Tasmanian devils eat that are dangerous for us?

They may be dangerous when provoked and can cause bites and wounds to an adult human but are not critically dangerous. They are mostly scavengers and do not attack prey that is larger than young Kangaroos. Tasmanian devils, despite their reputation, are actually timid and shy creatures which would rather hide from people than confront them. They never attack people, but will certainly defend themselves, and they have exceptionally powerful jaws.