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Q: What kind of animals faint when thay get scared?
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Thay are born with them.

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Giraffes do not eat animals, they eat the leaves of trees and shrubs.

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because thay are large creatures so have a great avantage over other animals and humans by their size and weight, also they are adapted for killing so why would they be scared.

Do tigers eat snakes and what kind of snakes?

Tigers and coyotes are typically at the top of the food chain, and mostly compete against each other for food. Therefore, it is uncommon for tigers to eat coyotes. Mostly tigers eat typical prey animals such as gophers, deer and calves of larger animals such as elephants.

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yes thay do

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the food thay eat is mostly porige and thay love to drink ari.

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thay eat shrimp,fish,humans a little bit so dont be scared, and squid

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the kind that you wear no i mean like did thay were fethers and were on there hat what

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Euros and cents.

What are useful animals?

Any thing at all... from Yash Patki