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Q: What kind of antigens would you find on the RbC in blood type AB positive?
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how do i find a person with blood type a?

Blood types are based on having a or b antigens or neither a or b antigens in your blood. Race plays a role in blood typing, and between 16% to 40% of people have type a blood. Blood types are further broken down to positive and negative rh factors. In order to find out which blood type a person has, a simple blood test is used that will show not only the antigens but also the rh factor found in a person's blood.

Which blood type would a hospital find the most useful?

AB Neg is priorty followed by B Neg

Why can't a person with a blood type A safely receive a transfusion of blood type B?

The type B blood has an antigen on the red cells identifying them as B type cells. The type A blood of the recipient contains antibodies that bind to B type antigens. These antibodies will cause the red cells of the blood in the transfusion to stick together forming solid lumps in the blood, preventing it from flowing.

How can one find out if they have a b positive blood type?

Type B positive blood can be used for blood transfusions but the recipient must be B positive or AB positive. All other blood types can not receive a blood transfusion using blood that is B positive.

What would the best diet be for a negative blood type?

To figure out the best diet for your blood type, you would have to figure out what letter blood type you have not the negative or positive. To find out which blood type you have, you can go to Walgreens to purchase a blood test.

Can doctors just give anybody blood they find in their supplies?

No. There are different types of antigens found on blood (A and B) which can only be accepted by people if they don't produce the antibody for it. If you're type A, you can only accept blood from people with type A or type O (O meaning no antigens). Type AB (has both A and B receptors) can accept from either A or B or O. Type O can only accept from type O. There are also other antigens found on blood besides from the ABO group.

If you were looking for your dad that you never met how would you find him?

blood test is usually the best way though i am not positive it would work, im sorry

Is A positive blood type hard to find?

Not at all. It is easy......

How do you find out blood positivity or negativity?

We can find out our blood positivity or negativity by RH-antigen.if RH-antigen is available in the blood then the blood group will be positive and if it is not available in the blood then the blood group will be Negative.

What is the difference between Rh-negative and Rh-positive?

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Where do I look to find out more about having a positive blood type?

People with Type A Positive and Type A negative blood do best on a vegitarian diet, and a low stress life style. You can find out more about imformation on the "Blood Type Diet" online at Livestrong.Com article DIET FOR BLOD TYPE A POSITIVE.

What are the possible blood types of a father if the offspring is A positive and the mother is O positive?

The first parent would be heterozygous for type A. The second parent would have to be heterozygous for type A, heterozygous for type B, or blood type O. The positive or negative is unable to be determined because positive is dominant so the first parent is positive then the baby will be positive with out a doubt so there is no way to find out the second parent's positive or negative.