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Zero-Day Attack

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Q: What kind of attack is used in exploiting a vulnerability in which no patch is yet available from the system vendor?
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What kind of attack has Intruders exploiting a vulnerability in which no patch is yet available from the system vendor?

zero-day attack

Intruders exploring a vulnerability in which no patch is yet available for system vendor?

Social Engineering attack

What does the conficker worm do?

The Conficker is a worm that infects other computers across a network by exploiting a vulnerability in the Windows Server service. If the vulnerability is successfully exploited, it could allow remote code execution when file sharing is enabled. Depending on the specific variant, it may also spread via removable drives and by exploiting weak passwords. It disables several important system services and security products and downloads arbitrary files.

What is the differecne between penetration testing and vulnerability testing?

Vulnerability testing identifies available vulnerabilities and is usually used to only manage list of available vulnerabilities. Penetration testing includes phase of Vulnerability testing but goes beyond. The tester actively tries to exploit identified vulnerabilities to gain access to the system. Penetration testing identifies the true risk level of tested system and application.

How do exploits relate to vulnerabilities?

A vulnerability indicates that a system has a flaw which can be used to circumvent the security of a system. An exploit is the way in which someone can use a vulnerability to their advantage.

What does not describe an information system vulnerability?

Exists when there is a hardware weakness

What is the difference between an expoit and vulnerability in information security?

A vulnerability is a weak point in a system. This implies a risk, especially to confidential information. An exploit is a means of taking advantage of the vulnerability and using it to take advantage of a system or network. Just because something has been identified as a vulnerability doesn't mean that it has been used to compromise a system. The presence of the exploit means someone has successfully used that weakness and taken advantage of it.

What does vulnerability assessment entail?

Vulnerability assessment is really just finding the vulnerable points in any type of a system in order to fix them. "Basically, vulnerability assessment is looking at a situation or setup and identifitying the weak points."

What are the different sources of system vulnerability and or abuse?

computer security and information assuarance

Which vulnerability scanner tool can be used to build a map of a system's open port or operating system version?

network mappers

What does assessment entail?

Vulnerability assessment is really just finding the vulnerable points in any type of a system in order to fix them. "Basically, vulnerability assessment is looking at a situation or setup and identifitying the weak points."

Which vulnerability scanner tool can be used to build a map of a system's open ports or operating system versions?

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