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Q: What kind of bird is the size and colour of a rook but with scarlet wings and red and yellow beak?
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What does a darter bird look like?

It's wings and tail are brown and black in colour but it's body is brownish black .It's neck is brown and it's face is white with a yellow beak.

What is the colour of a talking bird?

parrot or Minah Bird which is black with a yellow or orange beak

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Wings, Beak, Size, colour etc look up where they live and how each would help them out

What black bird is medium build and has speckled wings and yellow beak?

Starling, not a true blackbird.

What parts do birds and airplane have same body parts?

Wings, rollers-feet, beak-front part of the aeroplane, colour of feathers and colour of plane, a pilot-the bird itself.

What bird has a yellow beak the crow or the raven?

Yes, and there are ones with red on the wings too.

What are the For the Birds?

wings and a beak

compare duck and frog?

they both like to swim and live in ponds

What is the uses of beak of mute swan?

The mute swan has an orange beak once fully adult, as compared to the other two species native to the UK, the Bewick and the Whooper swans. The Bewick has a predominantly yellow beak and the whooper has a black beak with a strong yellow triangular section. When cygnets, the mute swan is grey in colour and has a black beak which only becomes orange after losing its cygnet feathers and reaching maturity.

What features do seagulls have?

A beak, wings and tail.

What colour is a female penguin's beak?

A penguins body is black and white. They have orange and black beaks and black scales on their webbed feet.

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