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Q: What kind of bread is used for communion?
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What type of bread is used at holy communion?

it is called the host, it is the body of jesus christ it is given out when you do your communion. you take the bread when you had your communion.

Who gives the bread in communion?

The priest gives the bread during communion

What are the bread wafers used in holy communion called?

"The host"

What is a altar used for?

analter is a table where they place the bread and the wine in a holy communion

What is it called when you receive the bread and wine of Jesus?


What is banana bread used for?

Eating. ANY kind of bread is for eating. Banana bread is a treat.

Do the Anglicans have yeast in their bread?

Yes, Anglicans and other Christians have yeast in their bread. If the question concerns bread used in Holy Communion, then the answer is that practices vary in different congregations and at different times during the church year.

How is bread used in religious festivals?

It depends on the religion: Christianity: christian communion as the body of christ. Judaism: The challah bread eaten on the Sabbath, the unleavened matza bread eaten on Passover, and generally to complete a meal.

What comes to us in communion?

In communion Catholics receive the body and blood of Christ under the form of bread and wine.

Why do some churches use leavened bread at communion?

Some churches use leavened bread for Communion because they believe the appropriate bread for the Lord's Supper is the common bread of the local community. Other churches use unleavened bread in recognition of the Jewish feast of Passover, which was the occasion at which Jesus first instituted the rite of Communion. Each choice is supported by valid but differing theological viewpoints.

Why must the Communion bread be treated so respectfully?


What are the two earthly elements in the Holy Communion?

Bread and wine.