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Spiderbug spiderbug, he is the spiderbug, spiderbug, spiderbug, come and eat your spiderbug

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Q: What kind of bugs does a red tailed hawk eat?
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What will eat a red tailed hawk?


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Can a red tailed hawk eat a hedgehog?


Do white tailed deer eat bugs?

No. Deer are herbivores. They eat plants, not meat.

Can hawk eat a poisounous snake?

Yes..There are videos of a red tailed hawk killing a rattlesnake.

Do hawks eat rattlesnakes?

No. They eat small rodents and animals, but a hawk will eat a snake. I have seen them catch one.

What are the animals that eat the red tail hawk?

hey!,what does a red tailed hawk eat? plz tell me im doin a poster of a food chain on a red tailed hawk.thx They eat small rodents, with rabbits, snakes and lizards included bird

What type of snake does a Red-Tailed Hawk eat?

They eat many species, even rattlesnakes.

What kind of hawks eat horned lizards?

red-tailed hawks, Harris' hawk, and any other hawk that lives in a desert climate, primarily Texas. Owls also eat them, such as the great horned owl, and road runners do as well.

What kind of bugs eat other bugs?


Does the red tailed hawk eat bald eagles?

An adult hawk could kill a young eagle, but an adult would be too much for the hawk to handle.

When does a red-tailed hawk eat?

Three times in my life I have seen red-tailed hawks with snakes in their talons, and every time it was in the morning.