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hydrogen bonds

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Q: What kind of chemical bond is found between paired base of DNA double helix?
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What base pairing arrangement is found in double-stranded DNA?

Adenine is paired with thymine.Cytosine is paired with guanine.

Explain how are the double helix model of DNA built on the research of Rosalind Franklin?

Watson and Crick found that if they paired double ringed nucleotides with a single-ringed nucleotides, the bases fit like a puzzle CHACHACHACHACHA

What is the name for the paired sensory appendages found in arthropods?


Which substance is not paired with the type of bonding found between the two atoms- CH3-covalent bonds Fe-metallic bonds CaI-ionic bonds Cl2-polar covalent bonds?

The substance not paired correctly isCl2 - polar covalent bonds.

Where is chemical energy found?

chemical energy could be found in the bonds between the atoms of every molecule. In actual objects it can be found in batteries, plants, and food.

What type of chemical bonds is found between the strands of the DNA molecule?

hay ha

What types of chemical bonds are found in a tetrodotoxin molecule and describe the structure of these chemical bonds?

There are covalent bonds found in TTX and a covalent bond is a sharing of two electrons between two atoms in a molecule.

The paired glands found in the upper pelvic cavity one on each side of the uterus are known as the female gonads or what else?

The paired glands found in the upper pelvic cavity, one on each side of the uterus, are known as the ovaries.

Where can chemical bonds be found?

A chemical bond can be found anywhere there is matter.

What products can this chemical be found in?

Which chemical????

What are the paired excretory organs found against the dorsal body wall in adult frog?

the Kidney

What research has been done on cholesterol?

In 2001, chemical researchers found a link between cholesterol and Alzheimer's disease.