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A tornado is a violent microscale circulation with a low pressure center and forms from a thunderstorm.

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Q: What kind of circulation is a tornado?
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Related questions

When does a tornado actually become a tornado?

A tornado becomes a tornado when the circulation reaches the ground.

What keeps wind rotating inside a tornado?

The parent circulation of the tornado, called a mesocyclone, keeps a tornado going.

What type of storm is characterized by a circulation cell?

wrong, the real answer to this question is tornado

Does it rain inside a rain-wrapped tornado?

Yes. If a tornado is rain wrapped rain can be drawn into the circulation.

What is the inside of tornado called?

The main part of the circulation of a tornado when the strongest winds occur is called the core.

What makes a tornado hit the ground?

There has to be circulation inside of a storm which if there is a tornado then it has that circulation. What makes it touchdown is when you have a strong updraft and downdraft which pushes that horizontal rotation into a vertical position which causes the funnel cloud to come in contact with the ground causing a tornado.

Is a cyclone a tornado?

No. While a tornado and a cyclone have a number of things in common, they are two different things. A tornado is a small-scale circulation that is dependent on a parent storm cell. A cyclone is a large-scale circulation that is its own independent weather system.

When a tornado gets stronger what forms?

As a tornado intensifies it may develop a series of smaller vorticies within the main circulation.

What makes tornado winds blow?

Pressure decreases sharply, reaching its lowest at the center of the tornado. This pulls air toward the center of the tornado and then drawn into the tornado's updraft. The tornado spins as it originates from a larger circulation called a mesocyclone.

What is the weakest wind speed of a tornado?

Tornadoes have had estimated winds as low as 60 mph. Below that it is debatable whether the circulation is a tornado.

What type of storms characterized by a circulation cell?

wrong, the real answer to this question is tornado

How tall can the funnel of a tornado get?

The funnel of a tornado always connects to cloud base and typically all the way to the ground (the circulation of a tornado can reach the ground even if the funnel does not). Cloud base height is variable but in a tornado supercell is usually about 3000 feet to a mile above the ground. The circulation of the tornado usually goes a great distance above cloud base and can reach heights of more than 4 miles.