

What kind of citizen is in Israel?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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Anyone can become an Israeli citizen except for an ethnic Palestinian who did not live within the Israeli borders in 1949 or is not in the annexed territories (like the Golan or East Jerusalem). This caveat is due to the sensitive political nature of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. In fact, Palestinians are the single largest Israeli citizen group after Jews.

It is far easier for a Jew to become an Israeli citizen, than a non-Jew, but this is typical of countries in the region which give individuals of the dominant ethnicity from abroad to become citizens. (Armenia, Lithuania, Poland, etc. have this rule as well.) There is criticism that the inequality of citizenship process times is problematic, but it is much easier for a Muslim or Christian from abroad to become an Israeli citizen than it is for a Jew or Christian from abroad to become a Moroccan or Tunisian citizen and a non-Muslim can never become a Saudi citizen.

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Are you not familiar with the Law of Return? All Jews have an automatic right to immigrate to Israel and to be Israeli citizens. That is the fundamental reason for the existence of Israel, to provide refuge for all the Jews of the world.

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simply H E L L

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Israel is a very special place not only to me but to you. Israel is apart of god thats why would love the country Israel.