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Usually in a temperate to hot climate.

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Q: What kind of climate do chillies grow?
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What kind of plants grow in climate?

Climate means temperature, kid :)

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The kind of climate that is necessary to grow a lime tree is moderate to sunny climates though there are a few varieties such as the persian lime tree that can withstand a cooler climate.

Do you grow chillies?

Buy any chilli you want to grow at your grocer or local farmers market. Remove the seeds and allow them to dry out. Plant as you would any other vegetable in your garden. Most chillies are very easy to grow. Chillies are a warm season/climate plant that are normally grown as annuals. They have the same requirements as Capsicums or peppers. The intensity of the chilli 'heat' although varying from variety to variety, is intensified by reduced watering during fruit development. For more information, see the related link below.

Where does the red chillies grow?

it can be grown everywhere as long as you have the seed.

What kind of climate do cherry's grow in?

sping and summer time.

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The climate is warm so they could grow crops.

What kind of climate does the blue bonnet need to grow?

They are typically grown in Texas. A warmer climate is best.

What kind of climate do bananas grow in?

Bananas are tropical fruits.

Do chillies have flowers?

no <><><><> However, the PLANT that chilis grow on does have flowers- that turn into chilis.

What kind of climate was Jamestown found?

the climate made it harder for the people crops to grow. it was sooo hot in Jamestown and there is not much rain so the crops didnt grow as well

What kind of vegetables grow in polar climate?

None. Some plants grow in tundras, but they are all very small and short lived.