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Q: What kind of climate do meerkats typically like?
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Where are meerkats found the most?

I like meerkats :)

How do meerkats react to the climate in the desert?

Meerkats are perfect animals to be living in a desert. Meerkats have a hard time keeping their body temperature at a suitable rate, so they rely on the warm temperatures of the desert. The dark circles around meerkats' eyes are like sunglasses, being that a meerkat can look almost directly into the sun to look for predators. Meerkats also don't need a lot of water, which is a good thing when you live in a desert.

Why is a Meerkat called a Meerkat?

Meerkats are called Meerkats because they look like cats and they are called a type of meer. So that's why they call Meerkats, Meerkats.

What are the meerkats predater?

eerkats are not very big, so there are some animals that will eat them - if they can catch them! A jackal is a kind of wild dog that hunts meerkats. Here is a picture of a jackal. nother animal that hunts meerkats is the serval. A serval is a kind of cat that is bigger than the kind of cat you might have as a pet. It isn't as big as a lion or a tiger, but it is big enough to eat meerkats. Servals and jackals both have to sneak up on meerkats if they want to catch them. If the meerkats see a serval or jackal in time, they can run into their tunnels or get ready to fight. Meerkats have long claws and sharp teeth that can make them hard to catch. ere is another enemy that meerkats have to watch out for, and this one can be harder to escape. Martial eagles like to swoop down out of the air and snatch up a meerkat. The eagles fly so fast that it's hard for the meerkats to see them in time to hide. That makes the martial eagle the most dangerous enemy of meerkats.

What are meerkats inherited traits that help it to survive?

meerkats heve like like the same eye color and look as their parents

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What is a meerkats land like?

filled with wondrous joys, a meerkats lands is equivalent to heaven on earth

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Elephants best climate is any hot and wet places

What is the climate typically like in Frankfurt Germany?

The link below is to a website that shows the climate history of Frankfurt as far back as 1934.

Do meerkats' sweat?

yes, they like dogs

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It can be use like the land climate and colors