

What kind of dog is Anubis?

Updated: 11/12/2022
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11y ago

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he is actually a jackal.

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Q: What kind of dog is Anubis?
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The xolocutinimble was Anubis's dog.

What dog breed is Anubis?

An Ibizan Hound

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Dolphin or Dog

Did Anubis ever hide tresures?

No, Anubis is a god of ancinet Egyptian religion, he did not hide treasure of any kind.

What was Anubis believe to and what was his job?

he was believed to be a dog or jackal and he was the god of the dead

Was there ever a dog god or goddesses in Egypt?

Yes, Anpu/Anubis, Wepwawet, and Duamutef for male Anput female counter part of Anubis

Who was the dog god of ancient Egypt afterlife?

Anubis. I think that he was actually jackal headed.

What kind of tools did Anubis use?

Anubis has several symbols, the was- sceptre (power), the flail (protection), the Imiut fetish (embalming/death), as well as the Ankh (eternal life).

Who is the god of death and funerals in Egypt?

The god's name is Anubis. He is a jackal-headed god (dog-headed).

Who was the Egyptian god represented by the man in the dog mask?

Most likely "Anubis" although the dog mask is also known to look like a wolf or jackal.

Why does Anubis what to be that kind of god?

Anubis chose to help Isis revive Osiris by wrapping and preserving the body; and so in turn became a god of embalming (mummification) and guide and protector of the dead.