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bull terrier

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Q: What kind of dog is seen in the video Sherlock by Shinee?
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The opera seen in the film was a section of Mozart's "Don Giovanni."

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It never really says...good question. I haven't seen much of him but from what I gather he was the good guy.

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The part she played was in actual fact, Ms Irene Adler, Sherlock Holmes former lover. Yes, I have read the books, watched the series, seen movies and enjoyed renditions. And have proven the previous answer to be incorrect.

Have you seen the video Icon in the Sky?

No. I have not. Can I view it on Utube?

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It's been a while since I have seen the video. But I believe it was a song called, "Daddy was Never the Cadillac Kind." It was recorded by the group Confederate Railroad back in the 1990's.

How do you get the video or see the video?

This video seen on youtube was probably copied from a movie on Stanley William Hayter etching at atelier 17. That video suddenly desapeared

Where can The Evolution of Dance video be seen?

The Evolution of Dance video can be seen on YouTube. YouTube offers many different versions of The Evolution of Dance for views to watch and enjoy for free.