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it was... it was okay, i guess

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Q: What kind of education did the patriots have in the 1700s?
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How did the patriots feel about the loyalists in the 1700s?

The patriots felt like the loyalists were wrong and traitors, but they generally didn't fight.

What did the Patriots 1700s do?

England went to war with the Patriots in the 1700's because of the protests over the Stamp Act and other taxes levied on the Patriots

What were the patriots like in the 1700s?

they like playing with their girls poom poom's

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What was the school education in 1700s in England?

In the 1700s, education in England was primarily available to wealthy boys. They would attend private schools or receive tutoring from private tutors. Girls and children from poorer families often did not have access to formal education and would instead learn basic skills at home.

What kind of weapons did they use in the 1700s?

forks and knives ffforksk and knivees:D

What was education like in the 1700s?

In the 1700s, education was primarily for the wealthier classes and focused on classical languages, literature, and philosophy. Schools were often private or church-run, with limited access for lower-income individuals and girls. Discipline was strict, and teaching methods were rote-based, emphasizing memorization and repetition.

What was education like in the 1700s in New York?

In the 1700s in New York, education was primarily provided by private tutors or small local schools. Schools were often run by religious groups and focused on teaching reading, writing, arithmetic, and sometimes Latin or Greek. Education was not mandatory, and only children from wealthy families typically received formal education.

Was the Bible part of curriculum in 1700s schools?

Yes! The Bible was a huge part of education in the 1600s and the 1700s. The main reason they wanted all children to be able to read was so they could read the Bible.

What was the creek Indians education like in the 1700s?

i don't know that's why i asked you. i don't know that's why i asked you.