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Q: What kind of elements are found in a low mass star?
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That depends on the mass of the proto-star.

What elements is found in betelgeuse's star?

All elements up to Iron are found in very star (except for very young stars as they have not reached that point yet). Though most of the elements are hydrogen and helium.

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Where did all the silicon in the Earth come from?

Silicon is an element, and was created in a star by fusion processes. Elements up to the mass of iron may be made in a star like our sun. For heavier elements, the energies found in a supernova are needed. Therefore, all of you comes from a star!!! Earth formed by accretion from bits of rubble that began as the gas & dust clouds of ancient supernovas.

How star made of?

Our Sun is about 70% Hydrogen and 28% Helium by mass, with traces of heavier elements. Other stars can be a little different, but with a spectrometer, scientists are able to determine the elements that are present in any star.

What is the typical composition of a star?

about 73% of a stars mass is hydrogen 25% is helium 2 is other elements

When heavier elements form by fussion a massive star expands into a what?

ether a pulsar or a black hole depending on the mass of the star

When Belegeuse dies what kind of star will it be?

Betelgeuse is a type M Red Supergiant with a probable mass between 10 and 20 solar masses. Because of its mass it will continue to fuse elements until it reaches the iron phase at which time it will explode as a Type II supernova probably leaving behind a Neutron star of about a 20km radius.

What are all of the elements found in the core of a star?

For stars on the main sequence, Hydrogen and helium.

When a high mass star collapses it doesnt rekindle why?

Stars don't "burn" chemically like a fire. The energy they release is obtained by fusing light elements into heavier elements. In doing that they convert mass into energy as Einstein described with the equation E=mc2. A high mass star explodes as a supernova, leaving behind a neutron star or a black hole. Neither of those is capable of nuclear fusion.

Is the Rigel star a high mass star or a low mass star?

High mass.