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4d ago

The electrical energy from the mains is transformed into light and heat energy in the light bulbs of the chandelier when the switch is turned on, illuminating the room.

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Q: What kind of energy transformation takes place when a chandelier brightens a room after a waiter moves a switch room?
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The Switch for the chandelier is behind the hinge for the front door. So opening the door turns it on. Once I figured that out, I had to wiggle the chandelier to make sure the connection was good. Works fine now. Hope this helps.

Would a light switch converts electrical energy?

No. A light switch merely allows energy to pass, or not to pass.

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When you switch on the fan, electrical energy is converted into kinetic energy, which drives the rotation of the fan blades, creating airflow in the surrounding environment.

What energy is when you turn off a light switch?

Turning off a light switch stops the flow of electricity to the light bulb, which cuts off the energy supply needed for the light bulb to emit light. The energy that was being used to power the light bulb is no longer being converted into light energy.

What energy conversions occur when the switch is closed?

light energy-electrical energy-thermal energy

Why are lights dim after the switch was replaced?

Because the juju has yet to be established in the new wiring. As soon as the juju takes hold, the light brightens. <<>> Recheck your wiring of the switch. It sounds like you may have wired two lights in series that may have been supplied from the one switch. Two lights from one switch have to be wired in parallel with each other. Use the discussion page if you need help with this problem

How is energy used in your lives?

Through switching on a light or turning on a kettle is a way of using our energy because when you switch on something that electricity is using energy to help it to switch on..

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An electric kettle works by converting electrical energy from a power source into heat energy, which then heats the water inside the kettle. The electrical energy is transferred to the heating element, which then transfers the energy to the water molecules, increasing their kinetic energy and raising the temperature of the water until it reaches boiling point. The energy transformations involved are from electrical energy to heat energy, with the transfer occurring through the heating element to heat the water.

Does a light switch converts electrical energy into motion energy?
