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Helicopters can be equipped with either reciprocating (piston) engines or turbine (jet) engines. There is no reason to suspect that advances in electric batteries or hybrid engines will not permit electic motors from powering helicopters in the future as is already done with some small (model) helicopters now.

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Q: What kind of engine do helicopters use?
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What engine is in widespread use as the source of power for helicopters it is linked by gears to the helicopter's rotors in a manner similar to the turbine-driven propellers on airplanes?

They're powered either by a gas turbine engine (known as a turboshaft), or some helicopters (such as the Robinson helicopters) still use internal combustion engines.

What kind of aircraft doesnt use fixed wings?

Helicopters don't use fixed wings

What kind of jet engine is in an helicopter?

A turboshaft. There are several brands they use - many civil helicopters use Rolls-Royce, Black Hawks and Apaches use General Electric, and the CH-47 uses Lycoming.

Are helicopters powered by jet engine?

some are, but like 99% are propelled by propellors on the top Actually all helicopters use a main rotor and a tail rotor for lift and stability. Most late model helicopters utilize a jet engine and transmission power train. Not unlike a torbo prop arrangement.

Is helicopter includes autugyro?

No, helicopters do not include autogyros. The autogyro has wings and an engine for forward movement.No, helicopters do not include autogyros. The autogyro has wings and an engine for forward movement.

Can a bike engine be alternative engine for helicopter?

No, not nearly enough power.ANS 2 -The smallest helicopters use engines originally built for snow-mobiles

Do helicopters use jet fuel?

The type of fuel is specific to the type of engine, not the aircraft. Helicopters that have jet engines use jet fuel, and helicopters that have internal combustion engines use gasoline. However the General Electric T-58 had a device in the fuel control that allowed you to burn just about anything from avgas to jet fuel to kerosene.

Do they use helicopters in Wisconsin?

Yes, they have many helicopters in Wisconsin.

Why do people use helicopters when its emergency?

cause helicopters are really fast

Can you fly the aircrane in gta 4?

no, if u wanna get in the air, u have to use helicopters

What kind of helicopters are used for helicopter skiing?

usually helicopters that are operational at high altitudes, that are reliable, and that are cheap (small).

What type of engine used in helicopter?

Early helicopters all used piston engines up to the 1960's . Now most helicopters use jets, except for a few small civilian helicopters. The jets are connected to a very strong and complex transmission which turns the main and tail rotors.