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The Muslim fasting is to refrain from eating, drinking, doing sex, and smoking durin the day time from the dawn (first light ray which is around 1 1/2 hour before sunrise) until the start of sunset. After night time from sunset until just before the next dawn, every thing (that is allowed in normal days) is allowed including eating, drinking, doing sex per religion, etc..

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Q: What kind of fasting do the Muslims practice?
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When do Muslims know when to start fasting?

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Do Muslims make their children fast?

Some Muslims might have their children practice fasting for a few hours, but a Muslims are not expected to fast fully from sunrise to sunset until the age of puberty.

During ramadan when do muslims eat?

During fasting in Ramadan, Muslims are not allowed to eat, drink, smoke, or practice sex in the daytime from Dawn to sunset. They are allowed beyond this period to eat, drink, smoke, and practice sex.

Does the Methodist Church have a fasting month or do only Muslims have one?

Christians do not have a fasting month, only Muslims do.

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What do the Islams practice?

They practice prayer fasting etc

Holiest month of fasting for Muslims?

The holy month of Fasting on the Islamic calender is called "Ramadan"

What kind of fasting do Muslims have?

for each fasting day, they are not allowed to eat, to drink, or to practice sex through the just before dawn through sunset time. in the evening outside this period he is allowed to perform all activities as any normal day with more emphasis on good deeds, reciting Quran, giving charities, praying in a gathering in mosques. etc. Refer to related question below for more information on fasting in Ramadan and on fasting difference between Islam and Christianity.

From when onwards fasting is must for Muslims?

from the age of puberty.

What do Muslims do for one month of Ramadan?

doing fasting

Why do malays fast?

It's not actually just Malays fasting, but generally, Muslims. Muslims practice the Five Pillars of Islam which include fasting in the month of Ramadan. Muslims must not eat or drink (among other things) from dawn to dusk during this month, and must be mindful of other sins. The fast is to encourage a feeling of nearness to God, and during it Muslims should express their gratitude for and dependence on him, atone for their past sins, and think of the needy.