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A male guppy can be in the same tank with its own kind and/or with almost all peaceful fish smaller than 5 inchs.

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Q: What kind of fish is compatible with a Male Guppy?
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What kind of fish doesn't a male betta fish eat?

You can try to put Guppy fish in with your Betta fish. That would be one of the only fish that i would put in with my Betta fish. I say that because i have a Betta male and he is OKAY with guppies. the first guppy i put in his died to to getting picked on by him but the others did not, so just give him another chance if you decide to get guppies. Hope i helped!

What kind of fish are live bearers?

guppy's are live bearers, unlike other fish guppy's lay eggs in there stomach but when they come out they are a normal fish not in a egg

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There are guppies and mollies.

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What kind of creature is a guppy?

Guppy fish is a type of live-bearing fish, as they give birth to live fish after a certain gestation period. The guppy is one of the most popular aquarium fish, and as a live-bearing fish, for he is considered to be quite easy to take care of and has the shortest gestation period of all live-bearing fish.

What kind of pet fish will not eat a guppy?

Many Fish don't eat guppies, like the neon fish. That is the most common mix I know.

What kind of fish should you put in a new tank?

I suggest you should start with 1 male guppy and atleast 3 female guppies so they can reproduse. The less females you put the less amount of time they will live!

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What kind of guppy fish eat dead skin?

It's called sloppy guppy, they eat our dead skin off your body! Don't worry it doesn't hurt, they are used for feet therapy and much more!! Hopfully this jelps

What kind of fish tastes better male or female?

The inbreed

What type of guppy has a silver body with a red tail when its male and a black tail when its female?

Different colours in different combinations happen at random with any guppies that have not been "line bred". Unconscionable breeders give them fancy names when they are not a fixed colour strain, and so beginners are left wondering what kind of guppy they have when they don't come true to type. Unless you have paid something in the region of $20 up to $300.00 or more for your guaranteed "Line Bred Guppy". Your fish will be a common cross bred fish and can produce almost any combination of colours imaginable.

Guppy with clamped eroding tail?

If you don't do something about changing the guppies water the fish will die. That kind of fin problem is always caused by putrid water conditions.