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Q: What kind of food did the mogollon hunt and gather?
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What kind of clothes did the Mogollon Tribe wear?

They wore designer loin cloths.

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My opinion is they hunted for their food. They ate fish, buffalo, & deer. All that food comes straight from the wild & nature. So that means they probably hunted for it. You have to remember they didn't have a Kroger to run in & get what they needed. Think of it this way, If you ate these kind of foods wouldn't you have to hunt for them?

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Formal education has a long history and did not have a single inventor. Ancient civilizations such as the Greeks, Romans, and Chinese all had educational systems in place before the modern structured school system we are familiar with today. The concept of organized schooling has evolved over time to become what we recognize as schools today.

Where kind of houses did the mogollon lived in?

On the Mogollon Rim, a section of the Colorado Plateau of East Central Arizona.

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The kind of food that Maryland colonists would eat was meat from livestock and chickens. They would also have rice, pudding, and berries that they would gather.

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I think worms have inherited behavior because worms have to be able to kow how to defend thmselves or gather food when they are young

What kind of food do mother penguin hunt?

Mother penguins search for small fish, leaving their young with their male mate.

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they are in dangered because people hunt them for their ivry tusks

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