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This question is dependent on interpretation.

If the question is asking what foods North Koreans are capable of affording and, therefore, eat on a regular basis, for the most part it is rice, beans, kimchi, and some vegetables. Oftentimes, especially during times of general famine like the early 1990s, many rural North Koreans have been forced (by hunger and meager resources) to eat rats, spoiled grain, and other unseemly foods.

If the question is asking what foods North Koreans would choose to eat or what North Korean food is traditionally, these are the same kinds of foods prevalent among South Koreans and include: shellfish, mollusks, vegetables, tofu pork, beef, chicken, and rice. There are a number of stews, soups, grilled dishes, and salads that are popular among Koreans. And, of course, no Korean dish would be complete without kimchi.

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Althea Olson

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2y ago
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8y ago

This question is dependent on interpretation.

If the question is asking what foods North Koreans are capable of affording and, therefore, eat on a regular basis, for the most part it is rice, beans, kimchi, and some vegetables. Oftentimes, especially during times of general famine like the early 1990s, many rural North Koreans have been forced (by hunger and meager resources) to eat rats, spoiled grain, and other unseemly foods.

If the question is asking what foods North Koreans would choose to eat or what North Korean food is traditionally, these are the same kinds of foods prevalent among South Koreans and include: shellfish, mollusks, vegetables, tofu pork, beef, chicken, and rice. There are a number of stews, soups, grilled dishes, and salads that are popular among Koreans. And, of course, no Korean dish would be complete without kimchi.

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8y ago

Seafood, vegetable, beef, chicken, and rice are all common in North Korea. BBQ and grilled foods are popular. Kimchi is a popular condiment and side.

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Q: What kind of food do north Koreans eat?
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