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Q: What kind of food provokes tonsils?
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What are the food particles that come from your tonsils?


Where do your tonsils go after they're removed?

anything to do with swallowing or food.

What do your tonsles do?

Your tonsils used to help digest food that cave men ate but we still have them now. Our tonsils can now keep dust out of our bodies but if your suffering from tonsillitis ill agree tonsils can be a pain.

Can food hang up in tonsils and cause an odor?

Yes. Food can become trapped in the tonsils and cause an unpleasant odor. In most cases, the actual structure of the tonsils has changed and instead of having slits, the tonsils have large pockets which allows the food to become trapped. You can remove the food manually using the handle end of a toothbrush or spoon or something similar, but never use anything sharp. Waterpiks also work but in most cases the water pressure is too strong and this becomes uncomfortable. Also, gargling salt water seems to help flush the food from the tonsils.

Which animals don't have tonsils?

The rat and pigeon both absence functional tonsils.

What provokes a fighting bull?

The movement of the cape, not the color, provokes the bull.

What are Types of tonsils?

Tonsils, palatine tonsils and Waldeyer's ring. Tonsils are part of the lymphatic (Immune System)

What tonsils are located at the back of the tongue?

lingual tonsils

Where does the pus on your tonsils come from?

It depends... Sometimes the tonsils are infected with bacteria (tonsillitis) and pus will drain out. If this is recurring, there might be an indication to have them removed (tonsillectomy). It you find that what is coming out is hard and white but your throat doesn't hurt, you might simply have tonsils with crypts in which food particles get stuck.

Does circumcision cause tonsils?

No. circumcision is the removal of foreskin from the penis, which is in a completely different part of the body than the tonsils, which are located in the throat. Every human being has tonsils, which is a natural part of the human body so it is TONSILITIS that I believe is being referred to here, which is an inflammation of the tonsils and no, removing the foreskin of the penis does not cause tonsil issues of any kind.

The pharyngeal tonsils are also called the adenoids?

Palatine tonsils and adenoids are NOT synonymous. Palatine tonsils, sometimes called faucial tonsils, are found at the back of the throat. Adenoids are the pharyngeal tonsils, located in the back of the nasal cavity.

Describe the anatomic location and function of tonsils.?

the tonsils are located toward the back of the throat before the beginning of the esophagus. The main function of the tonsils are to produce Lymph fluid that aids in the defense against many types of pathogenic organisms that accompany food passage through the esophagus.