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ummm i guess no fizzy drinks as that make u thirsty no fatty foods umm yeh and no high sugar items like candy or doughnuts etc...

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Q: What kind of food should you not eat before a Football game?
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What kind drink should you drink the day before a football game?

you should always have at least 3 bottles of lucazede

What should football players eat before a game?

You should eat banana, but eat it about 2-3 hours before you eat. Another thing you can do is, the night before your football game, eat pasta. Pasta is rich in fiber and has a complex carbohydrates which is what athletes need.

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Maybe you should specify the football game.

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Eating food from the back of a pickup at a football game

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That is your choice.

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The score of any football game before it begins is: 0 - 0 Seems to me that nobody has scored any points before the game starts.

How do you get a football player to like you?

learn about the game and give him food lots of food. Also go to his games!!

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Would US ever win world cup football?

The US are rubbish at football it isn't an Americans game. Its british simple. The US have never won the World cup before. Most of the best footballers are signed with English football clubs they havn't got a chance in the world. They should also stop calling it soccer because FOOTBALL was invented before what the Americans call football eg American football so therefore it should be called all over the world football and it was invented by the BRITISH cumon. The US are rubbish at football it isn't an Americans game. Its british simple. The US have never won the World cup before. Most of the best footballers are signed with English football clubs they havn't got a chance in the world. They should also stop calling it soccer because FOOTBALL was invented before what the Americans call football eg American football so therefore it should be called all over the world football and it was invented by the BRITISH cumon.

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The best food to eat before a basketball game is soul food

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When should you drink a red bull the night before a football game or just before?

Just before is best it if u drink it the night before It won't do much if you drink it before it will give you a burst of energy and focus because it has taurine